delaconconversion.htm and delaconofflinecalltracking.html are virtual page view URLs that are sent by Delacon's system into GA along with the standard event data, for calls with web session data (delaconconversion.htm) and calls without web session data (delaconofflinecalltracking.html) respectively. These are not real pages on the customer's website and are seen in the GA session data only. Since Google Analytics is a webpage based analytics platform, we convert Delacon calls into virtual pageviews in order for GA to accept Delacon data. Each virtual pageview, thereby, accounts for 1 call.
The virtual pageviews give customers, furthermore, the ability to set different goal configurations to more specific requirements, for example a goal configured to complete at /contactus/delaconconversion.htm would be for all calls from the website contact us page but would omit visitors to the page who had not called.
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