Delacon’s Google Ads Call Conversions Upload enables you to track calls (and the follow-on revenue) made to phone numbers directly in Google Ads. The integrations works for:
- calls from web pages shown as a result of google ad clicks
- calls from Call Extension buttons on the mobile phones or desktops
For the web page calls, Delacon’s call tracking script needs to be present on the web pages where the phone number needs to be shown.
For the Call Extension calls, Delacon’s phone numbers need to mapped with the Google Ads call extension integration.
The Google Ads conversion upload for call extension calls requires Google's GFN feature to be enabled and is therefore only available for countries where GFN is supported. Please review this support article for more information on GFN, including a list of countries that can accommodate GFN and any other limitations of the feature that may impact the use of this conversion upload.
The Google Ads conversion upload for website calls is available for all countries and has no limitations.
This Google Ads conversion upload requires the Delacon CRM upload feature to be enabled for your account. Please contact Delacon Support at and request to enable "Delacon CRM Upload" for your account. Once enabled, continue with the setup steps below.
To be able to track calls as Google Ad conversions, the following steps are required:
- Setup of your Delacon campaign and call tracking numbers (this step may be done by your Delacon Account Manager).
- Completing the Delacon’s Google Ads Integration.
- Setup of Google Ads Conversion Tracker
- Mapping of the Conversion Tracker details in Delacon's system
- Enable default tracking on every call or upload the data via the “Delacon CRM Upload” mechanism. (Optional)
- Test and verify the conversions are uploaded against the tracker
Step 1 - Setup of CID and Call Tracking Numbers
This step will be done in conjunction with your Delacon Account Manager. Please speak to them before completing this step.
Step 1
Decide on the amount of call tracking numbers
You will need to make a decision on how many call tracking numbers you will need for your website call conversion tracking. The number of numbers you will need will depend on the number of impressions you expect your ads to receive.
Your Delacon Account Manager can help make that decision in consultation with you.
Step 2
Order Numbers
Once you have decided on the amount of call tracking numbers you require, you will need to order them. You have two options for ordering numbers:
Option 1: Self Ordering
You can order call tracking numbers with our self-ordering tool in the Delacon Portal. Please follow this guide to set up new numbers.
If you require a large amount of new numbers, please follow the process below.
Option 2: Email Delacon
Email with the amount of new call tracking numbers you require and Delacon’s Provisioning Team will set these up for you or contact your account manager.
If you have an IVR:
If you have an IVR attached to the call extension numbers and you want to report on the menu tones selected by callers, please email your IVR menu tones to and copy in your account manager requesting setup of DTMF Capture and description.
Step 2 - Completing the Delacon Google Ads Integration
For the Conversion Upload of website calls, follow the article - Setup Delacon Google Ads Integration - and complete Part I and II of the integration:
Part I: Authorising Delacon to access your Google Ads account
Part II Map your Delacon campaigns to your Ad accounts
For the conversion upload of call extension calls, follow the article - Google Ads Call Extension Integration Guide - and complete parts 2-4 of the integration:
Part 2: Ensure that the Google Ads integration has been completed
Part 3: Map your Delacon Call Extension numbers (CIDs) to your Google Ads campaigns
Part 4: Assign the Delacon Call Extension numbers to your ad campaigns in Google Ads
-> Ensure that Call Reporting is enabled within your Google Ads account.
Step 3 - Setup of Google Ad Conversion Tracker
This configuration is to be done within the same Google Ads account against which the service was mapped under step 2.
Please note, there are multiple interfaces in use within Adwords and the following screenshots may not correspond to the interface in your Adwords account. We have added the steps for 2 known Adwords interfaces.
Interface 1
- Log in and navigate to Conversions
- Click on the “+ New conversion action” button to add new conversion
Select Import and set the toggle to - Manual import using API or uploads.
- For web page number tracking, select option - Track Conversion from Clicks
- For call extension tracking, select option - Track Conversions from Calls
- For Data Source, select "skip this step" and you won't need to set up a data source at any stage. Delacon will actively push the conversions.
- Keep "enhanced conversion" disabled by leaving the tick box unchecked.
- Enter the details as desired on the following screen
It is recommended that the settings are chosen as shown, however, it is not essential.
- Goal and action optimization - Select "Converted Lead" from the drop-down menu and adjust any of the remaining settings based on your requirements.
- Conversion Name - can be any name of your choice and should help you identify the purpose of this conversion tracker.
- Value - set toggle to "Use different values for each conversion" and set the default value to 1.
- Count - set to Every
- Click Through Conversion Window - Set to 90 days
- Attribution Model - set to Data Driven or Last click based on your requirements.
Click on Create and Continue to complete the setup of the conversion tracker.
- Finalise the Setup
If you are setting up a tracker for website calls, you will get below screen. Keep the box for enhanced conversions unchecked and select "API" for import offline conversions.
Then click on "Continue with Google lick identifiers" to finalise your setup.
If you are setting up a tracker for call extension calls, you will see below screen. You can safely skip this step as no additional tags are needed.
You’ll now see a screen which shows that you’ve created your conversion action
Interface 2
- Log in and navigate to Goals
- Click on the “+ New conversion action” button to add new conversion
Select the conversion
- For call conversions from call extension calls, ensure "Conversions from phone calls" is enabled by ticking the check box
- For call conversions from website calls, ensure "Conversions offline" is enabled by ticking the check box. You will need an unconnected data source. If you have previously added an offline data source, eg Zapier, then click on "Add data source" and skip the next step. This will create the line item "Data source to be connected later".
- Choose your preferred conversion category.
We recommend qualified or converted lead. Note, that not all conversion categories (eg Phone Calls) allow the settings that are needed for the Delacon conversion upload
Add an event to the category and select Calls via uploads
- For conversions from call extension, select "Calls via uploads"
- For conversions from website, select "Offline data sources"
- Click on Settings
- Complete the settings as recommended below or adjusted based on your business needs.
- Action optimization - Set the toggle to determine whether this conversion will be used as a primary or secondary action
- Conversion Name - can be any name of your choice and should help you identify the purpose of this conversion tracker.
- Value - set toggle to "Use different values for each conversion" and set the default value to 1.
- Count - set to Every
- Click Through Conversion Window - Set to 90 days
- Attribution Model - set to Data Driven or Last click based on your requirements.
- Click on Create and Continue to complete the setup of the conversion tracker.
- Skip the steps to implement additional codes. No further action is required. Click on Finish.
- Finalise the Setup
If you are setting up a tracker for website calls, you will get below screen. Keep the box for enhanced conversions unchecked and select "API" for import offline conversions.
Then click on "Continue with Google lick identifiers" to finalise your setup.
If you are setting up a tracker for call extension calls, you will see below screen. You can safely skip this step as no additional tags are needed.
You’ll now see a screen which shows that you’ve created your conversion action
Step 4- Mapping of Conversion Tracker details in Delacon's system
Step 1
Log back into the Delacon Portal and navigate to Configuration > Integrations > Google Ads Conversion Tracker or click on this direct link:
Step 2
Click on "Add New"
Step 3
Complete the required fields.
- Service ID (CID) - tick the check box for the Delacon service you want to map
- Conversion Name - add the conversion name that you chose under step 3
- Default Revenue - choose a default value that will be used if there is no other value available. We recommend leaving it as "1".
- Currency Code - choose the currency of the revenue value
- Tracking Type – set the toggle to "Website clicks" or "Call Extension"
- Default Conversion Value - set the toggle to "Yes" or "No" (see below for more info)
- Adwords ID - tick the checkbox of the Adwords account number that you want to map this service to
Default Conversion Value – Yes or No
- Select Yes, if you want every call to be tracked with a default conversion value specified above
- Select No, if variable revenue data will be provided later via the “Delacon CRM Upload data” mechanism (outlined in the next step 5 Delacon CRM Upload data upload (Optional)). Please note, if you select this option, the conversion will only be uploaded once you have provided the conversion value via the CRM upload.
This completes the “Google Ads Website Call Conversion Setup”. Please review Step 6 to ensure conversions are being tracked.
Step 5- Delacon CRM Upload data upload (Optional)
This step is required if you chose ‘No’ for Default Revenue Upload in the previous step.
Log into the Delacon portal to upload CRM data for the calls and sales registered in your CRM. Please follow this guide under "Upload Data" - "Option 1 – Manual Upload using the new Delacon Portal (Free)".
Delacon will then perform the call matching function with its own call tracking database.
For all the matched calls with the Google Click Id web sessions or Call Extension calls, Delacon system will perform Conversion Upload into Google Ads with the following data: -
- For Website clicks
- Conversion Name
- Google Click Id
- Sales Revenue (if provided, else use Default Revenue)
- For Call Extension
- Conversion Name
- Caller number
- Call time
- Sales Revenue (if provided, else use Default Revenue)
This process will help with identifying the revenue from individual web sessions and assists with future bid optimisation.
Step 6 - Verifying conversions in Google Ads
To verify conversions are uploaded from Delacon into Google Ads:-
- Log on to your Google Ads account
- Navigate to Conversions
- Filter for the conversion name used in the steps above. For example:-
- You should see results as below:
- Please note that conversions are loaded for the call start time in Delacon
Note- When does Delacon lodge click id conversion for online calls
For online calls, the conversion upload from Delacon is delayed by few hours from the time of the call. This is to accommodate for the click ID to sync within the Google systems and be available for conversion upload. Based on experience of errors response from Google for immediate upload of click-id conversion, a delay has been built in for the same.
Note- When does Delacon lodge call ext conversion for offline calls
For offline calls, the Delacon system first matches the calls with Google calls. This is necessary for the Google system to accept the conversion for such offline calls.
Delacon match is a nightly process, so the conversion upload from Delacon is also scheduled for execution post the matching of the Delacon call with Google calls.
1. Can conversions be uploaded to multiple Google Ads accounts?
-> No, conversions from each service can only be uploaded to 1 Google Ads account. If you have multiple Google Ads accounts that generate paid traffic to your site, you would need to nominate one Google Ads account to map within the Delacon Google Ads conversion upload. Any calls generated from ads from other Google Ads accounts won't be uploaded as conversions.
2. Are upload filters available?
No, the integration will upload all calls with a Google Click ID (GCLID). The upload can not be customised based on other parameters, eg call duration or IVR option. If you wish to narrow down the conversions, you can use conversion goals via Google Analytics instead.
3. When are conversions uploaded to Adwords?
When selecting the default revenue upload, the call conversions will be uploaded about 24 hours after the call.
When selecting to upload custom sales revenue data, the call conversions will be uploaded within an hour from the custom sales data being provided.
4. What are the benefits of Delacon's conversion upload for call extension over Google's call reporting?
While Google's call reporting feature will show you call conversions for calls made
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