Cost per lead refers to the media costs to acquire a lead, a lead could be a phone call and/or a web enquiry.
If you are looking to calculate your cost per lead/CPL for Delacon calls and Web Enquiries from Google Ads/AdWords campaigns, ad groups, keywords and search queries within Google Analytics, this guide will show how to set this up within Google Analytics.
Prior to completing the set up, please ensure you have completed the call tracking set up as well as Google Analytics integrations.
Creating Calculated Metrics for calls and web inquiries
Part A. Creating Calculated Metrics for Calls only
1. Login to your Google Analytics account at
2. Select your relevant account and view
3. Identify your goal completion for Delacon calls by following these steps: Conversions >> Goals >> Overview >> Goal Option >> Select the Goal you previously created for Delacon calls for example: 'Delacon Calls' or 'Delacon Live Conversions' or 'Call Tracking' or 'Phone Calls' or 'Calls' , etc...
As the example, 'Goal 2: Delacon Live Conversion' in the screenshot below is the goal completion for 'Delacon Calls'
(Goal completion name and ID of Delacon calls is required for next steps, creating calculated metrics and custom report).
4. Once you have identified your Goal completion name and ID for calls, the next step is to create calculate metrics, please follow the steps below:
4.1. Click on Admin, under View column click on calculated metrics
4.2. Click on +New calculated metric
4.3. Insert the name for the calculated metric example: Cost per Delacon call
4.4. Leave the external name field as the default setting, changes are not required
4.5. Within the Formatting type drop-down menu, select Currency (Decimal)
4.6. Within the Formula field, type "Cost", and select it from the drop-down menu, followed by (forward slash) (space) and the name of your Delacon goal completion you have identified at Step 3 above for example 'Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)'
4.7. Click Create
This is essentially your calculated metrics for delacon calls
See screenshot below for an example calculated metrics for delacon calls:
Part B. Creating Calculated Metrics for Web Enquiries only
1. Login to your Google Analytics account at
2. Select your relevant account and view, this should be the same Account and View you have created 'Cost per Call' for Delacon calls previously
3. Identify your goal completion for web enquiries by following these steps: Conversions >> Goals >> Overview >> Goal Option >> Select the Goal you previously created for 'Web Enquiry' for example 'All Web Form' or 'Web Enquiries' or 'Online Leads' or 'Form Completion' etc..
As the example, 'Goal 5: All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)' in the screenshot below is the goal completion for 'Web Enquiries'
(Goal completion name and ID of Web enquiry is required for next steps, creating calculated metrics and custom report.
If you are unable to find your 'web enquiry' goal completion, please refer this user guide to see how to create a goal completion for 'web enquiries'
4. Once you have identified your Goal completion name and ID for web enquriy, next step is to create a calculate metrics, please follow the steps below:
4.1. Click on Admin, under View column click on calculated metrics
4.2. Click on +New calculated metric
4.3. Insert the name for the calculated metric, for example: cost per web enquiry
4.4. Leave the external name field as the default setting, changes are not required
4.5. Within the Formatting type drop-down menu, select Currency (Decimal)
4.6. Within the Formula field, type "Cost", and select it from the drop-down menu, followed by a (space) (forward slash) (space) and the name of your web enquiry goal as per step 3 above
4.7. Click Create
This is essentially your web enquiries calculated metrics for web enquiries
Creating Custom Reports For Calls and Web Enquiries
In order to create custom reports, you must first complete the setup of custom metrics as outlined at the beginning of this document.
At this stage, you should have a calculated metric for Cost per Delacon calls and Cost per Web Enquiries. Please follow the below steps to see Cost per Delacon calls/web enquiries within Google Analytics custom reports:
- Within the main menu, select Customisation
- select Custom reports followed by +New Custom Report
- Under General information menu, add a title within the Title field, example: "Cost per Delacon Calls and Cost per Web Enquiries"
- Under the Report Content menu
- Add the same name as per step 3 above for example "Cost per Delacon Calls and Cost per Web Enquiries"
- for Type select "Flat Table"
- Within the Dimensions field, click on +add dimensions (for every Dimension field needs to be input individually) then search and select 'Account'; please do the same process for 'Campaign', 'Google Ads : Ad Group', 'Keyword' and 'Search query' (please refer to screenshot below ).
- Within the Metrics field, click on +add metric (for every Metric field needs to be input individually) then search and select Cost; please do the same process for "Clicks", "CPC", "your Delacon call goal completion for example: Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)", "calculated metrics for Delacon call for example: Cost per Delacon Call", "your web enquiries goal completion for example All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)" and "calculated metrics for web enquiries for example Cost per Web Enquiry"
- Within the filter field, click on +add filter then search 'Google Ads Campaign ID', change the matching setting from 'Exact' to 'Regex', then insert '[0-9]' in the field
- Within the filter field, add another filter by clicking +add filter then search and select 'Keyword', click and change 'include' to 'exclude', keep the matching setting as 'Exact' then insert '(not set)' in the field
Click Save
See screenshot below for an example set up of custom report:
See screenshot below for the result of custom report, you could sort the report to show lowest or highest cost per lead for calls or web enquiries, simply click on the "Cost per Delacon Calls" or "Cost per Web Enquiries" report header.
Please note that only Search Campaigns in Google Ads have keywords and Search Queries available.
Display Campaigns do not have keywords or Search Queries.
Smart Campaigns do have Search Queries and do not have keywords.
Part C. Creating Custom Metric for Calls and Web Enquiry Combined
Please follow this step to see the combination of Calls and Web Enquiry in a single metric
1. Login to your Google Analytics account at
2. Select your relevant account and view, this should be the same Account and View you have created 'Cost per Call' for Delacon calls and 'Cost per Web Enquiries' for web enquiry previously
3. Identify your goal completion for call and web enquiries, same as Part A and B above. for example 'Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)' for Delacon calls and 'All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)' for web enquiry
4. Once you have identified your Goal completion name and ID for calls and web enquriy, next step is to create a calculate metrics, please follow the steps below:
4.1. Click on Admin, under View column click on calculated metrics
4.2. Click on +New calculated metric (if you already have 5 existing calculated metrics please delete one)
4.3. Insert the name for the calculated metric, for example: 'Calls and Web Enquiry Combined'
4.4. Leave the external name field as the default setting, changes are not required
4.5. Within the Formatting type drop-down menu, select 'Integer'
4.6. Within the Formula field, insert Delacon call goal as per step 3 above for example: 'Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)', and select it from the drop-down menu, followed by '+' 'insert web enquiry goal as per step 3 above for example: All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)'
4.7. Click Create
This is essentially your combination of Call and Web enquiries calculated metrics
Part D. Creating Custom Metric for Cost per Calls and Cost per Web Enquiry Combined
Part A and B above showing cost per calls and cost web enquiry separately, if you would like to see 'cost per calls' and 'cost per web enquiry', please follow the below set up
1. Login to your Google Analytics account at
2. Select your relevant account and view, this should be the same Account and View you have created 'Cost per Call' for Delacon calls and 'Cost per Web Enquiries' for web enquiry previously
3. Identify your goal completion for call and web enquiries, same as Part A and B above. for example 'Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)' for Delacon calls and 'All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)' for web enquiry
4. Once you have identified your Goal completion name and ID for calls and web enquriy, next step is to create a calculate metrics, please follow the steps below:
4.1. Click on Admin, under View column click on calculated metrics
4.2. Click on +New calculated metric (if you already have 5 existing calculated metrics please delete one)
4.3. Insert the name for the calculated metric, for example: 'Cost per calls and web enquiry combined'
4.4. Leave the external name field as the default setting, changes are not required
4.5. Within the Formatting type drop-down menu, select Currency (Decimal)
4.6. Within the Formula field, type "Cost", and select it from the drop-down menu, followed by 'divide by or forward slash' 'space' '(' 'insert Delacon call goal as per step 3 above for example: Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)' '+' 'space' 'insert web enquiry goal as per step 3 above for example: All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)' then ')'
4.7. Click Create
This is essentially your combination of Cost per Call and Web enquiries calculated metrics
Creating Custom Reports For Cost per Calls and Web Enquiries combined
In order to create custom reports, you must first complete the setup of custom metrics as outlined at the beginning of this document.
At this stage, you should have a calculated metric for both 'Calls and Web Enquiry combined' and 'Cost per Delacon calls and Cost per Web Enquiries combined'. Please follow the below steps to see your CPL combined within Google Analytics custom reports:
- Within the main menu, select Customisation
- select Custom reports followed by +New Custom Report
- Under General information menu, add a title within the Title field, example: "Cost per Calls and Cost per Web Enquiries combined"
- Under the Report Content menu
- Add the same name as per step 3 above for example "Cost per Calls and Cost per Web Enquiries combined"
- for Type select "Flat Table"
- Within the Dimensions field, click on +add dimensions (for every Dimension field needs to be input individually) then search and select 'Account'; please do the same process for 'Campaign', 'Google Ads: Ad Group', 'Keyword' and 'Search query' (please refer to screenshot below ).
- Within the Metrics field, click on +add metric (for every Metric field needs to be input individually) then search and select "Cost"; please do the same process for "Clicks", "CPC", "your Delacon call goal completion for example: Delacon Live Conversion (Goal 2 Completion)", "your web enquiries goal completion for example All Web Forms (Goal 5 Completion)" "calculated metrics for calls and web enquiries combined for example "Calls and Web Enquiry Combined" and "calculated metrics for cost per calls and web enquiries combined for example "Cost per calls and web enquiry combined"
- Within the filter field, click on +add filter then search 'Google Ads Campaign ID', change the matching setting from 'Exact' to 'Regex', then insert '[0-9]' in the field
- Within the filter field, add another filter by clicking +add filter then search and select 'Keyword', click and change 'include' to 'exclude', keep the matching setting as 'Exact' then insert '(not set)' in the field
Click Save
See screenshot below for an example set up of custom report:
Please note that only Search Campaigns in Google Ads have keywords and Search Queries available.
Display Campaigns do not have keywords or Search Queries.
Smart Campaigns do have Search Queries and do not have keywords.
To see Cost per Lead information in Google Ads please click on this link
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Delacon Support
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