Call tracking works best by capturing dynamic information from the users browsing session, but there are several parameters that can be explicitly defined in the referral URL to force reporting in a certain way when needed. This might be useful for any organic referrals to your website such as from a GMB listing or 3rd party website.
Our system can pick up below utm-parameters for customisation:
utm_source=x - Where "x" will be reported in the Search Engine field of the call reports and will overwrite the true search engine for the session, for example "Google" or "Bing".
utm_medium=x - Where "x" will be reported in the Type field of the call reports and will overwrite the true type for the session, for example "Paid" or "Free".
utm_term=x - Where "x" will be reported in the Keyword field of the call reports and will overwrite the true keywords for the session, for example "Delacon" or "CallTracking".
If defined this information can be used to group the results in the Delacon reporting, for example by exporting the call report as a CSV and sorting by the Search Engine column if utm_source is either Campaign1 or Campaign2
While customising the source/medium for reporting purposes can be useful, Delacon's attribution model is closely aligned with the attribution model within Google Analytics. This is ensure data comparisons are made easier. For this reason, any referrals from a Google paid ad (triggered by a Google Click ID - GCLID) will always generate the classification of the call as Google (Search Engine/source) and Paid (Type/medium). Any custom utm parameter values will be overwritten.
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