Custom Floodlight variables enable you to pass additional call data into Campaign Manager and Search Ads 360.
Custom variables use the (case sensitive) keys u1, u2, and so on, and can take any values that you choose to pass to them. You can include custom Floodlight variables in any of your Floodlight activity tags and report on their values in Report Builder. You can create up to 100 custom variables per Floodlight configuration. You can also add friendly names to make these parameters easier to understand in reports.
Benefits of configuring U-Variables:
- Additional data-points
- Optimise your calls based on call duration
- Optimise your calls based on caller intent
- Layering Delacon data to gain additional insights
- Filter based on exact business requirements
Step 1
Create an additional Floodlight u-variable and configure it in Campaign Manager and SA360.
Campaign Manager -> Trafficking -> Advertisers:
- Floodlight Configuration -> Custom Floodlight variables: Create Custom floodlight variables (u variables).
- Floodlight Activities: Assign to Delacon floodlight tags: Activity Name à Custom Floodlight variables and select the u var’s)
Search Ads 360
- Advertiser Settings -> Floodlight -> Custom Floodlight variables: Set Type in Search Ads 360.
- Filter calls by custom dimension (eg. IVR option)
- Report on custom metrics from a floodlight column (eg. call duration):
Step 2
Follow this guide that outlines the steps of mapping the new custom dimensions to your CM and SA360 integration mappings.
Variable Number |
Name (case sensitive) |
Campaign Manager |
Search Ads 360 |
u…. |
Call Duration threshold |
String |
Dimension |
For the new call duration u variable the customer will need to notify Delacon:
- What is Call Duration threshold (in seconds) eg. 18mins = 1080 seconds
- Names for the criteria that will be passed eg.
- Calls < 18mins
- Calls > 18mins
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