If you are using Delacon's Google Adwords integration, the Adwords Report will provide detailed information about the paid visit to your website. Adwords data can take up to 24 hours to become available. The Adwords report contains the following information.
- Callers phone number
- Call ID: The unique Delacon reference number for the call
- Number Called: The telephone number dialled by the caller
- Answer Point: Where the call was answered
- Exchange: The local telephone exchange the caller was using (where available)
- City: The city where the caller is located (where available)
- State: The state where the caller is located (where available)
- DTMF: The numerical IVR option the caller selected (if available)
- DTMF Description: The description of the IVR option the caller selected (if available)
- Campaign Name: The Adwords campaign that generated the call
- AdCopy: The ad details shown to the caller before arriving on your website (includes the Headline, Display URL, Description and ID)
- Keyword: The captured keyword the caller used to find your website
- Conversions: The Adwords conversion count
- Type: The Adwords conversion type
- Time: The time the call was made in the configured account time-zone.
- Date: The date the call was made in the configured account time-zone.
- Duration: The total length of the call.
- Call Status: Whether the call was Normal (answered), No Answer or Busy
- Survey Outcome: The post call survey option selected by the operator (if configured)
- Survey Sales Amount: The post call sales amount selected by the operator (if configured)
You can access the Adwords report directly by clicking the following link: https://pla.delaconcorp.com/siteui/reports/adwordsReport
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