Delacon’s Salesforce – Google Analytics Integration enables Salesforce outcome statuses to be updated in Google Analytics, providing valuable insights in Google Analytics by utilising the CRM data held in Salesforce.
The purpose of this solution is to identify the complete journey of the call (from the traffic source/keyword that the call resulted from - to the outcome status in Salesforce) in Google Analytics. This will help advertising and marketing teams make better marketing decisions in areas such as bid management and bid optimisation.
The process is illustrated in the diagram below:
If you are using Google Analytics 360 click here for the instructions. If you are using Google Analytics follow the steps below:
As illustrated in the diagram above:
- Caller dials the Delacon number from the website.
- Delacon’s system matches the call to the web session (standard process) and forwards the call to the contact centre termination number.
- Simultaneously Delacon creates a lead in Salesforce for the call, and an event is sent to Google Analytics.
- Contact centre representative qualifies the lead in Salesforce.
- Customer schedules a batch process in Salesforce for the below 3 x status reports to be emailed to the Delacon specified mailbox daily. The data format for this generated report is required to be as per the below specifications.
Email sending process:
- Delacon will need to authorise the sender’s email address in our system in order for the data to be uploaded.
- Customer will be required to specify the sender’s email address in the change request form in Appendix C.
- Customer will need to send these emails daily to
- Customer may be required to purchase an additional Salesforce license with the above User ID.
- Alternatively, the customer can send the emails to another Salesforce user in your organisation automatically every day and either manually forward the report emails to the above email address or setup a mailbox rule to do this automatically.
Please see Appendix A: Creating Reports on how to setup each report and automating the email process.
6. Below are the daily reports that need to be emailed to Delacon. A guide on how to setup each of these reports can be found in Appendix A.
a. Marketing Qualified Lead (html format) - This will be for all accounts created:
For example:
b. Sales Qualified Lead (html format) - This will be for all opportunities created:
For example:
c. Sale Closed (html format) - This will be for all the opportunities closed as ‘Sales Won’ along with the dollar value:
For example:
7. Delacon updates the above data received from Salesforce to the event already existing in Google Analytics.
- The data obtained by the Delacon mailbox will be processed to identify which phone calls have resulted in:
- Marketing Qualified Lead
- Sales Qualified Lead
- Sale Closed
- Delacon will send the above 3 events for each phone call into existing event in Google Analytics.
- Note – With every event the Delacon Call Id will be posted as well.
Appendix A: Creating Reports
Steps to creating Accounts Created report for Marketing Qualified Leads:
- Login to Salesforce.
- Navigate to Reports.
- Click on New Reports → Accounts + Contacts and click ‘Create’.
- Remove all current columns by clicking on column name and dragging to the fields menu on the left.
- Navigate to the fields menu search bar and search for the various column names you will need to add in.
Drag each column into the report:
- PLA_Call Id
- Created Date
- Account ID
- Account Name
6. Set the following filter rules:
7. Add in new filter by clicking on ‘Add’ button.
8. Scroll down to ‘PLA_Call Id’ and set to ‘not equal to’ (leave blank) and click OK.
9. Click Save.
10. In the ‘Save Report As’ pop up, make sure to name the report Google Account Report as per below image:
11. Select the folder you wish to save the report in and click Save.
12. Click Run Report.
13. On the next screen, click the arrow next to Run Report and Click on Schedule Future Runs.
14. Set who you want the report to be automatically sent to in your organisation (Note this will need to be a Salesforce user).
This Salesforce user will then need to send the reports onto which can be setup automatically through the Salesforce user’s email client.
For example: Salesforce user John Smith with email address will receive the automatic reports through his email address
He will then setup an automatic forward through his email client to send the reports from onto
15. Set the frequency to Daily and to send Every Day.
16. Set the start date and end date.
17. Set the preferred time.
18. Click Save Scheduled Report.
19. This report is now saved and will send automatically as per set schedule.
Marketing Qualified Lead Report Example
Please make sure you keep the columns in this order when creating the report.
Steps to creating Open Opportunity report for Sales Qualified Leads:
- Login to Salesforce.
- Navigate to Reports.
- Click on New Reports → Opportunities and click Create.
- Remove all current columns by clicking on column name and dragging to the fields menu on the left.
- Navigate to the fields menu search bar and search for the various column names you will need to add in.
Drag each column into the report:
- PLA_Call Id
- Created Date
- Opportunity ID
- Account Name
6. Set the following filter rules:
Filter |
Setting |
Show |
All Opportunities |
Date |
Created Date |
Range |
Yesterday |
Opportunity Status |
Any |
Probability |
All |
7. Add in new filter by clicking on ‘Add’ button.
8. Scroll down to ‘Stage’ and set to ‘not equal to’ ‘Closed Won’ and click OK.
9. Add in a second filter by clicking on ‘Add’ button again.
10. Scroll down to ‘PLA_Call Id’ and set to ‘not equal to’ (leave blank) and click OK.
11. Click Save.
12. In the ‘Save Report As’ pop up, make sure to name the report Google Open Opp Report as per below image:
13. Select the folder you wish to save the report in and click Save.
14. Click Run Report.
15. On the next screen, click the arrow next to Run Report and Click on Schedule Future Runs.
16. Set who you want the report to be automatically sent to in your organisation (Note this will need to be a Salesforce user).
This Salesforce user will then need to send the reports onto which can be setup automatically through the Salesforce user’s email client.
For example: Salesforce user John Smith with email address will receive the automatic reports through his email address
He will then setup an automatic forward through his email client to send the reports from onto
17. Set the frequency to Daily and to send Every Day.
18. Set the start date and end date.
19. Set the preferred time.
20. Click Save Scheduled Report.
21. This report is now saved and will send automatically as per set schedule.
Sales Qualified Lead Report Example
Please make sure you keep the columns in this order when creating the report.
Steps to creating Sales Closed report:
- Login to Salesforce.
- Navigate to Reports.
- Click on New Reports → Opportunities and click ‘Create’.
- Remove all current columns by clicking on column name and dragging to the fields menu on the left.
- Navigate to the fields menu search bar and search for the various column names you will need to add in.
Drag each column into the report:
- PLA_Call Id
- Last Modified Date
- Amount
- Opportunity ID
- Account Name
6. Set the following filter rules:
Filter |
Setting |
Show |
All Opportunities |
Date |
Last Modified Date |
Range |
Yesterday |
Opportunity Status |
Any |
Probability |
All |
7. Add in new filter by clicking on ‘Add’ button.
8. Scroll down to ‘Stage’ and set ‘equals’ ‘Closed Won’ and click OK.
9. Add in a second filter by clicking on ‘Add’ button again.
10. Scroll down to ‘PLA_Call Id’ and set to ‘not equal to’ (leave blank)) and click OK.
11. Click Save.
12. In the ‘Save Report As’ pop up, make sure to name the report Google Sales Closed Report as per below image:
13. Select the folder you wish to save the report in and click Save.
14. Click Run Report.
15. On the next screen, click the arrow next to Run Report and Click on Schedule Future Runs.
16. Set who you want the report to be automatically sent to in your organisation (Note this will need to be a Salesforce user).
This Salesforce user will then need to send the reports onto which can be setup automatically through the Salesforce user’s email client.
For example: Salesforce user John Smith with email address will receive the automatic reports through his email address
He will then setup an automatic forward through his email client to send the reports from onto
17. Set the frequency to Daily and to send Every Day.
18. Set the start date and end date.
19. Set the preferred time.
20. Click Save Scheduled Report.
21. This report is now saved and will send automatically as per set schedule.
Sale Won Report Example
Please make sure you keep the columns in this order when creating the report.
Appendix B: Google Analytics reporting
These events can then be measured as goals in Google Analytics.
Following screenshots illustrate example of the events created in Google Analytics Dashboard.
Salesforce – Google Analytics Integration Checklist
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