Delacon’s Ensighten Integration allows you to easily unify your tagging across your digital channels for seamless deployment.
Using Ensighten Manage, Delacon technology can be rolled out and managed by your teams within minutes and no prior technical knowledge is required to implement this technology on your site.
Step 1- Login to Ensighten Manage
Go to Ensighten Manage and login with your credentials:
Step 2- Finding the Delacon App
1. Once logged in and you’re on the homepage you need to select ‘Apps’ from the left sidebar:
2. In the Search field, start typing ‘Delacon’ and the Delacon app will display:
3. To access the application, click on the app and select ‘Configure’:
You can also delect the ‘Details’ option which displays some basic information about the Delacon app:
Step 3- Configuring the Delacon App
1. Name the Delacon Tag:
When you’re filling in the name field, remember it is case sensitive:
2. Configuring vendor specific tag settings:
Enter your specific CID and MID and select ‘Text Value’ from the drop down menu:
Click Continue
Note: Fields marked with an * require input. Other fields are optional.
Step 4- Selecting where and when to fire the tag
a) Select a space (this is usually your company space):
b) Select where you want the tag to fire:
You have a number of options to select where the tag should fire:
1. All Pages – will fire on all pages:
2. Some Pages – you will need to specificy on which page you want the tag to fire:
3. Click Done when completed.
c) Select when you want the tag to fire (Optional):
d) Once selected, click Continue and then Save.
Step 5- Committing the tag
You will be transferred to a Tag section when you will need to commit the tag. Without commiting the tag it will not work.
1. Select ‘Comit Tag’
Step 6- Adding code to website
The deployed tag will be triggered on your page but you will need to add the below one line of code into your HTML page in <HEAD> section:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
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