To more effectively determine the success of an A/B test, you need to track the right conversions. The Delacon/Optimizely integration allows you to track one of the most important conversions for most clients: which version triggers more (or in some cases less) calls.
By integrating Delacon’s call tracking solution with Optimizely you will be able to see the volume of calls that were delivered by each page variation. This data is available in Delacon’s call report, Optimizely and in Google Analytics.
Prior to configuring your Optimizely integration, you will need to add extra tracking to the standard Delacon call tracking code. Read Delacon’s guide on extra tracking for more information.
This guide will show you how to include the additional code required to track calls and where to go to analyse the data.
Set Up and Configuration
1. Login to Optimizely
Login to your Optimizely account and navigate to the relevant experiment.
2. Navigation to Variation 1
Click on the first Variation of your experiment.
3. Insert Additional Code
There are two ways to modify the code on the page.
Option 1: Standard Implementation
Delacon will automatically detect Optimizely code and records the appropriate information.
It is recommended that Delacon’s call tracking code be inserted after the Optimizely code.
Option 2: Using a redirecting
If you want to use a redirect, you need to put special split test tracking code directly onto the initial page. The standard Delacon tracking code is required for the target page.
The special split test tracking code that's required for the initial page is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var cids="<XXCIDXX>";
var refStr = escape(document.referrer);
var sessid="";
var sessStatus="";
var search1="delaconsessid=";
var offset1 = document.cookie.indexOf(search1);
if(offset1 != -1)
offset1 += search1.length;
var end1 = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset1);
if (end1 == -1)
end1 = document.cookie.length;
sessid=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset1, end1));
if (sessid == "") {
sessid='xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
document.cookie="delaconsessid="+ sessid+"; path=/;" ;
var ddd = document, lll = ddd.createElement('script'), sss = ddd.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
lll.type = 'text/javascript'; lll.async = true;
lll.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '' + sessid + '&sessStatus=' + sessStatus + '&m_id=<XXMIDXX>' + '&cids=' + cids + '&ref=' + refStr;
sss.parentNode.insertBefore(lll, sss);
4. Click Apply and hide
Click on Apply and hide code.
5. Repeat as necessary
Continue to add to each experiment variation the Variation Code: extTrkStr = "Variation 2"; Make sure what you include between the quotation marks is different for each variation.
6. Start Experiment
When the additional code has been added to each variation, click on Start Experiment.
7. Create a custom goal
For customers that would like to analyse call tracking data within Optimizely, you should create a custom event goal.
8. Add Goal name
Enter the goal name as Delacon Call, change the “what to track,” to custom events and enter delacon_call into the Custom Event to track field and click on save.
9. Login to Delacon
Login to your Delacon account using your login details.
The direct link is
10. Click on the Integrations Tab
Click the integrations tab and select Optimizely.
11. Select your c_ID
Select the c_ID that you would like to configure from the available list and click “Add” to add the c_ID to the Configured list.
12. Save
Click Save to activate the integration with Optimizely. You can remove the c_ID at any time by clicking “Remove.” To unconfigure all added c_IDs, click “Remove All.”
Analyse the call data from the Optimizely variations
In Delacon’s reports
1. Login
Login to your Delacon account using your login details.
The direct link is:
2. Detailed Call Log
Under Reporting, select the Detailed Call Log Report.
In Optimizely
1. View Results
From your dashboard, click on the Goals icon and then click on View Results.
2. Call Conversions
Scroll down to find the Delacon Call Goal. The number of calls or conversions against each variation is listed under Conversions.
In Google Analytics
1. Login
Login to your Google Analytics Reports.
2. Navigate to Events
Click on Behavior, then Events and Overview.
3. Event Label
Click on Event Label to see the volume of calls from each variation.
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