With Time of Day (TOD) routing rules, you can further diversify how your calls are being answered at any given time of the day. For example, you can determine that during business hours, calls are transferred to termination number A and outside business hours to termination B. Or you can simply send all calls straight to voicemail outside business hours.
Step 1
Log in to the Delacon portal and navigate to Services -> List Services and click on Edit for the service on which you wish to enable TOD routing.
Step 2
Find and click on Configure Time of Day Routing. This will open a pop-up window.
Step 3
Click on Add New to set up a new routing rule and then complete all fields.
- Select the day, start time and end date of the routing rule
- Select the preferred method on how the call should be handled. More info on call handling can be found here. Adjust the transfer time as needed.
- Add all e-mail addresses that you want to receive call alerts. Separate multiple e-mail addresses by a semi-colon and no spacing.
- Select the correct time zone which will inform the start and end time.
- Add the termination number to the Phone field. Multiple numbers need to be separated by a semicolon without spacing.
- Click on Confirm to save your route. There will be a pop-up confirming that the route has been added successfully.
- The newly created route will appear on the main interface from where it can be deleted or edited.
- Repeat above steps to set up all required routes.
Step 4
Enable the Time of Day Routing rules by setting the toggle to "Enable".
If at any stage, you don't want to use Time of Day Routing rules, you can set the toggle to "Disable" to have calls route to the main termination number.
Useful tips
- to set up a TOD rule for the entire day, select the start time as 0:00 (midnight) to 23:55
- TOD rules can only be set up for each individual day. This means if you wish to set up routing rules that span two days eg. for your out of hours (eg 5pm to 8am the next day), you will need to create two routes:
- 5pm to 23.55pm on day 1
- 0:00 to 8am on day 2
- The TOD routing rules set up through this interface are the exception to the rule, which is the setup on the main CID interface (main termination number, call handling, transfer time, account time zone and e-mails). Sometimes, it is easier to reverse the setup and set routing rules for your business hours (9am to 5pm) and your out of hours fall back to the main setup.
Please note that if there is an IVR enabled on the service, it will overwrite any time of day routing rules set up through the above steps.
For enabling time of day routing rules for the IVR, please review:
- this support page for enabling routing rules for individual IVR options, or
- this support page for enabling routing rules for your entire IVR.
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