Google Campaign Manager helps you manage your digital campaigns across websites and mobile. With Delacon's native integration, we can upload your matched call tracking conversion data to your Campaign Manager account against set floodlights, including Search Ads 360. In order for Delacon to collect the relevant data and deliver it to your Campaign Manager account, you will need to complete the following steps:
Inform your Google Account Manager that you want to setup the Campaign Manager Conversion API integration with Delacon.
Grant Delacon user access to post offline conversions to your account.
Creating Floodlight activities in Campaign Manager
- Creating Custom Floodlight Variables (u-Variables) in Campaign Manager (optional)
Map your Delacon services to the Campaign Manager integration in the Delacon portal
- Map custom variables in the Delacon portal
- Where do find Delacon data in the reporting
Please contact Delacon Support at if you have any queries about this integration or need assistance.
1. Authorise Delacon to send data to your Google Campaign Manager account
To start, contact your CM Account Manager at Google to inform them you wish to enable the Delacon + CM integration. Please be aware that Google may require specific authorisation(s) from you in order to enable the integration.
2. Grant Delacon user access to post offline conversions to your account
This step will grant Delacon access to onboard offline conversion data into your Campaign Manager account. Permissions will be used to limit Delacon’s ability to only insert conversions via the API.
Step 1
Create a new user role. More information can be found in this Google Support Article.
Navigate to Admin -> User roles -> New and apply below information.
- User role name: Delacon Offline Conversions
- Source user role: Advertiser/Reporting Login
- Save
Step 2
Create a new user profile. Navigate to Admin -> User profiles -> New and apply below information.
- Email:
- Profile name: Delacon_[Advertiser]
- User role: Delacon Offline Conversions
Step 3
3.1 Under Trafficking, enable the following options:
- Floodlight: full access
- User profiles: read-only access
3.2 Under Reporting, please select All.
3.3 Click Save.
3. Creating Floodlight activities in Campaign Manager
Floodlight activities are used in CM to group conversions by products, product groups, customer types, conversion channels or any other meaningful structure. This enables Campaign Manager reporting to filter advertising campaign conversions.
You will need to set up a minimum of 1 floodlight to capture all calls or can set up multiple floodlights to segregate your calls for example based on IVR options or other parameters.
Step 1
Create a Floodlight Activity Group:
- Navigate to All Advertisers and select the Advertiser under which you wish to create the floodlights.
- Click on Floodlight -> Activity Groups and then on
- Name the new group “Delacon” and set the type to "Counter"
Step 2
Create your required Floodlights
- Within the same Advertiser, click on Floodlight -> Activities and then on
- Name the floodlight activity and set the Type to "Counter". We recommend adding "Delacon" to the floodlight name to make it easier to find Delacon related floodlights later in the reporting.
- Set the Status to "Active"
- Under Activity group select the group from the drop down menu you have created in the previous step.
- All other settings can be set to the default, including Counting Method set to "Standard".
- For Tag Format, select "Google Tag".
- Enable activity for attribution
- Leave the URL field blank.
- Enable existing custom dimensions for this floodlight, if required or review "4. Creating Custom Floodlight Variables (u-Variables) in Campaign Manager (optional)"
- Click Save.
4. Creating Custom Floodlight Variables (u-Variables) in Campaign Manager (optional)
Custom Floodlight variables enable you to capture additional valuable information beyond just a phone call conversion that you collect with standard parameters via the Floodlight tag.
Custom variables use the (case sensitive) keys u1, u2 etc. Please make sure to add user-friendly, simple names to your custom floodlight variables to make these parameters easier to understand and interpret in reports.
The following are available items you can use as custom variables:
Custom Variables Name |
Description |
Type of custom variable |
Call Duration Delacon |
Shows a call’s duration in seconds. For example, 120, represents 2 minutes |
Number |
DTMF Description Delacon |
Provides description of IVR menu options selected by a caller which represent the caller intention. E.g.: Sales, Billing, Accounts, Support |
String |
Call ID Delacon |
A unique Id is given to each call for easy identification of individual calls (sent by default) |
String |
Business Name Delacon |
A name can be assigned to each number which is then displayed in the reports. For example: “Business Unit A” |
String |
CID Delacon |
Easy identification of individual Business Name |
String |
MID Delacon |
Easy identification of an account number |
String |
Business Category Delacon |
An industry or category can be added against each number and included in the reporting. For Example: “Website” |
String |
Landing Page Delacon |
The page on your website that the caller first landed on |
String |
Call Page Delacon |
Page called from after browsing content |
String |
Call Duration Tag |
Grouping calls based on duration example: 1min-5mins; 5mins+, etc |
String |
To create or edit a custom variable:
- Navigate to the relevant Advertiser again via the All Advertisers menu
- Click on Floodlight -> Configuration, and find and expand the Custom Floodlight Variables menu.
- Click on the pencil button to add a name. We recommend adding "Delacon" to the floodlight name to make it easier to find Delacon related dimensions later in the reporting.
- Select number (for call duration custom variable only) or string (for all other variables) from the drop down menu based on the type of custom variable. Check the table above for the respective setting.
- There are a few considerations for variable values:
- There is no character limit for custom variables, but remember that the length of your variables adds to the total length of the URL in the user's browser. This is important because total URL length is limited in some browsers. For example, Internet Explorer has a maximum URL length of 2,048 characters. If your custom variable is very long, it may make the URL too long.
- String variables do not accept the following characters:
,> or #
. - Number variables use a decimal point (.) as a separator, such as 3.5.
- Special characters need to be URL encoded to avoid processing issues.
- Click Save.
- As a final step, the newly created custom variable will need to be enabled for your floodlight activities. Navigate back to your floodlight activities and tick the box for all relevant custom variables.
5. Map your Delacon services to the Campaign Manager integration in the Delacon portal
Step 1
Log into the Delacon portal and navigate to Configuration > Integrations > Campaign Manager, or click on this direct link:
Step 2
To start the integration process, click on ‘Add New Mapping’ and confirm that you have added to an advertiser or agency role by clicking on ‘Yes’ in the pop-up window.
Step 3
Complete the required sections of the integration interface
- Select the Service ID(s) (CIDs) you are connecting to your CM Account. Note you can select multiple services at a time.
- Add the Floodlight Activity ID, Floodlight Configuration ID and Profile ID into the respective fields. Review the FAQ section for more guidance on where to find them in your Campaign Manager account.
- For Conversion Value, add a monetary value that will apply to each conversion. We recommend leaving it as "1".
- Add any relevant Conversion Criteria. A conversion criteria can further specify which calls are pushed against each floodlight. Possible criteria are for example IVR options or call duration. For more info on possible criteria, please review this FAQ. Contact the Delacon Support team for assistance in setting these up.
- For Upload Conversion, leave the default setting as "online".
Step 4
Click on ‘Add New Mapping’ to save the details and repeat steps 4 and 5 for each Floodlight tag you are setting up.
6. Map custom variables in the Delacon portal
Below the integration mappings, you will have a menu to map the custom variables set up under Step 3.
Add a new custom definition
Click on the 'Add New Custom Variable button'.
- add the custom variable (U-variable) as set up in Campaign Manager under step 4. Only add the letter "U" (capitalised) followed by the numeric value, eg U1, U2, etc.
- From the drop-down menu, select the corresponding Delacon parameter, eg. Service Name, DTMF description.
- add any custom functions such as call duration greater than 30 seconds. Contact Delacon Support to assist you with these.
Click on "Save".
This will add the configuration and will be shown as below:-
Edit and Remove existing custom definition
You can edit or remove any existing custom definitions by clicking on the respective buttons.
7. Where do find Delacon data in the reporting
While the floodlight and dimensions are set up within Campaign Manager, reporting is situated within SA360.
Step 1
Navigate to your SA360 account and select the relevant Advertiser.
Step 2
Click on Columns.
Step 3
Find and expand on Custom Conversions, click on Floodlight and then "New Column".
Step 4
Add a Column name. We recommend adding "Delacon" to the column name to make it easier to find Delacon related columns in the reporting. Set the toggle to Select floodlight activities and move the relevant floodlight from the left hand side column to the right hand side by clicking on the double arrow.
The remaining settings can remain at the default. Click on Save to create the column.
Note: If you have multiple floodlights, you will need to create a new column for each individual floodlight. Don't add multiple floodlights to the same column.
Step 5
Your newly created column will now appear on the main screen. Click on the + symbol to add the column to your reporting. It will appear then in the right hand side column as well. Click on Apply.
Step 6
The floodlight conversions will now appear as a column in your reporting. You can click on the little arrow symbol to download this report.
What is the difference between a floodlight and a custom u-variable
Floodlight is used for conversion and event tracking across Google Marketing Platform, including Campaign Manager 360, Display & Video 360, and the new Search Ads 360.
Benefits of Floodlight:
- Monitor and report on conversions. For example, the actions users take interacting with one of your ads.
- Create audiences for remarketing. For example, lists of users who’ve performed specific actions on a site. Audiences are useful because they can help determine where ads are shown in future campaigns.
- You can track conversions accurately and attribute them to appropriate campaigns, ad groups, or keywords. You can then use this data to optimise bidding and budget allocation in Search Ads 360 to achieve better return on investment.
Custom variables are additional variables that can be added onto Floodlights to gather deeper insights beyond the information collected through Floodlight Activities, capturing relevant data to the campaign event/s.
While floodlights can be used to optimise bidding for your calls, custom u-variable only add more detailed information about your conversions, and can't be used for bidding strategies.
If your numbers host an IVR and you only want to focus on calls from a specific options, you will need to set up a custom floodlight that only triggers for calls from this specific option.
Where to find the Floodlight Activity ID, Floodlight Configuration ID and Delacon Profile ID in your Campaign Manager Account
1. Log in to your Campaign Manager Account and click on "All Advertisers" and select the appropriate Advertiser account.
2. Navigate to "Floodlight" in the left hand side menu and click on "Activities". This will bring up a list of all your floodlights. The Activity ID of each floodlight and the Floodlight Configuration ID can be found as shown below.
3. To find the Delacon Profile ID, navigate to "Admin" and "User Profiles" on the left hand side menu. Then find the user profile you have set up for Delacon under
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