Delacon’s Google Ads Integration allows you to view Google Ads data in the Delacon portal. This enables you to understand which campaigns and keywords generated phone calls and the Google Ads cost associated with that specific phone call.
Please note this integration does not allow you to manage your Google Ads campaigns from the Delacon Portal – this must continue to be done from Google Ads. This integration enables you to view Google Ads data that is associated with Delacon phone call data.
The data and keywords will be available the next day after the call. If you require keywords to be available instantly, please refer to the instructions on how to add the keyword valuetrack parameter in Part III of this guide.
The integration consists of two parts:
Part I: Authorise Delacon to access your Google Ads account. This step is only required once for each Google Ads account or MCC account.
Part II: Map your Delacon campaigns (CIDs) to your Google Ads accounts. This step is required for each new CID.
Part III (optional): Adding keyword value track parameter at a template level for instant keywords
Before you start:
Please disable any ad blocking software used in your browser while completing the integration steps.
Part I: Authorising Delacon to access your Google Ads account
Step 1
- Login to the Delacon portal and navigate to Configuration → Integrations → Google Ads or click on this direct link:
Step 2
- click on Sign in with Google
Step 3
- On the next screen, log in with your Google Ads account login details that contain the relevant Ad accounts.
- Click Allow to authorise Delacon to access your Google Ads account in order to retrieve keyword data.
Step 4
- you will automatically be re-directed back to the Delacon portal
- continue with Part II to complete the mapping
Part II Map your Delacon campaigns to your Ad accounts
This step needs to be completed for each new CID.
Step 5
- Click on Link Service – Existing Adwords Authorisation and select the relevant Google Ads ID from the pop up.
Step 6
- Select the tracking type from the drop-down menu based on where the tracking service will be used: Website, Call Extension or Call Only
- note, that you can't use the same service for multiple tracking types
Step 7
- map each of your Service IDs with the Google Ads ID by checking the relevant boxes. You can select multiple Service IDs and Google Ads IDs at the same time.
- ensure to only map services relevant to the tracking type you selected under step 6
- click Map Configuration to complete the mapping
A pop up box will confirm the successful completion of the integration:
Click OK.
This completes the integration. Click on the "Home" button to see the new mappings on the integration main page.
Additional Notes:
Once integrated, the Google Ads data will be available for Google Ads generated calls which have Google Click ID (gclid) in the landing page. Data will generally be available from the next day following the integration.
Note: Multiple Service IDs can be mapped against one Google Ads account.
If there is a need for multiple campaigns to be tracked as individual Delacon Service IDs (with unique phone numbers), then multiple Service IDs can be mapped to one Google Ads account.
Note: One Service ID can be mapped against multiple Google Ads accounts.
This is possible but it is not recommended to map a large number of accounts, as the system can overload and miss data download from Google Ads .
For website calls, the Delacon system attempts to obtain the Google Ads data for the calls based on the Google Click ID from the web session. If there is a large number of Google Ads accounts mapped to one Service ID, then at the time of call matching, the Delacon system attempts to find the Google Click ID one by one in each of the Google Ads accounts.
What this means is that if there were 10 Google Ads accounts configured for one Service ID, and the relevant Google Ads account was the 10th one, then for every call, the Delacon system would have tried 9 redundant times before hitting the correct Google Ads account. This results in a lot of redundant attempts across the internet resulting in deficiencies in the application.
Therefore, for website calls, it is important to map one CID to as few Google Ads accounts as possible.
Part III (Optional) – Adding keyword value track parameter at a template level (applicable to website tracking services only) for instant keywords
Note: You must choose this option in order to see the keywords in the Delacon call log immediately after the call.
In April 2014, Google removed the keyword query from the referrer information. The referrer is a URL that identifies where a user who visits a web page came from and can include such information as the exact keywords a user put into a search engine.
Marketing teams regularly use this data to optimise online campaigns and identify additional keywords.
In most cases, Delacon’s call tracking solution uses this query in the referrer to obtain keyword data.
You can now set up your keyword value track parameter at a template level. This allows you to set this up once only, and not for multiple ads.
Step 1
- Sign in to your Google Ads account.
Step 2
- Click the Settings option in the left-hand menu.
Step 3
- Select Account Settings on the top left of the Settings page.
Step 4
Expand the Tracking section and edit the Tracking Template to add the following:
Click Save when done.
- When will keyword data be available in the Delacon reporting?
The program runs 3 times a day at 7am, 1pm and 10pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) for all calls from the previous day. Based on the overall call volume, it can take longer for Ads data to be available in the reporting for all calls. Data for most calls should be available after the 2nd trigger at 1pm.
Related Articles:
- FAQ on why you might not see keyword data
- Setting up Delacon Adwords Conversion upload
- Adwords Report
- Disapproved Number - Google/Call Extensions
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