Extra tracking can show you all the pages that your website user visited within his session. You can set options to just show the last page the user browsed to on the site when his session ended. You can also set options to show from which page the call is made.
More details and exactly how to implement this are laid out below:
The new tracking feature adds extra tracking which can track the user history along the web site as well as the entry landing page and referral information.
There are three options that can be set. These are described below:
Two parameters are required: extTrkStr (mandatory) and extTrkAction (optional).
They should be placed in the beginning of Delacon’s tracking code on every page of your site where you have added the tracking code.
If the extTrkStr is not defined or an empty string like this:
then the extra tracking feature will not have an effect.
If only this parameter is defined, then the string will be added to the extra tracking information of that session. However, if the page is visited again, the string will not appear twice.
If extTrkAction is defined as “a” like this:
then the extTrkSTr will be appended to the extra tracking information even though it is there before.
If extTrkAction is defined as “u” like this:
then the extTrkSTr will be used to replace the previous information. So in other words, it will keep track of the last page tracking string the user visits.
If extTrkAction is defined as “c” like this:
then this is similar to the option “u” except the update will not occur when the entry is matched by a call. In this way, the extra tracking information is on the page when the call is made.
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