Google Search Ads 360 (SA360) is a search management platform that allows marketers to manage their search campaigns across multiple search engines, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and more. It is designed to provide a single, unified solution for managing and optimising search campaigns at scale.
SA360 offers a range of features that help advertisers create, manage, and optimize their search campaigns. These include automated bidding, which uses machine learning algorithms to optimize bids in real-time. It also includes seamless integration with Google Analytics and other Google Marketing Platform products, enabling advertisers to gain deeper insights into campaign performance and user behavior.
SA360 also offers advanced features like campaign-level tagging, which allows for more granular reporting and analysis. It also includes cross-channel attribution, which makes it possible to understand the impact of search campaigns on other channels and vice versa.
Overall, SA360 is a powerful search management platform that enables advertisers to manage, optimize and track their search campaigns across multiple channels, resulting in increased efficiency, better performance, and more insights into user behavior.
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